Generally speaking, they are their best in underground, dark locations. That being said, the different types of ooze (within D&D 5E at least) do share a few things in common. Whether this mythology is part of your Dungeons and Dragons world is up to you…assuming you are the DM…otherwise consult with the DM. With that connection, Jubilex can apparently make Oozes more intelligent. As such he is a part of them, and they are a part of him. the idea is that they are individual fragments of the demon lord Jubilex. The mythology of Oozes is actually quite interesting. Each comes after the player in its own unique way. What is more, and what a lot of players don’t realise, is that oozes not only come as five different types, but five different personalities. In many ways they are the ideal apex predator, perfectly adapted to what they do best. I have to admit that, thick as they are, I have a soft spot for the ooze in D&D. What are oozes exactly? What is it that makes them such formidable foes? And, what is it that makes each type unique? Looking at the Dungeons and Dragons Ooze

Today, in this article, will be looking at a few of those in more detail. What is lesser known however is that there are no less than five different types of Ooze in the D&D world. From the description above, you may realise that that was talking about a Gelatinous Cube from the outset. The Gelatinous Cube is well-known in the D&D universe. The gelatinous messes are known for leaving liquefied goo where once adventurers stood and have haunted many a dungeon over the past few decades. Oozes have been a staple in the Dungeons and Dragons world for well over 40 years. Your whole body begins to feel like you are on fire, and (panicking) the last thing you see, as your torch extinguishes, is the tips of your fingers as they begin to dissolve. If anything, as you struggle more, you feel yourself get pulled in. You decide to withdraw your arm as the burning begins to hurt…but you can’t. At first it is confusing, oddly cool and temperate, but then you feel it – a slight burning followed by a prickle that intensifies.

As it draws closer you reach forward, and as you do, your arm gets caught in a clear plasma. As it draws closer, the only thing you hear is a dull squelching sound. A sword, bones, a shield – all hang in limbo in front of your eyes. Roll a perception check.Īs you do, your eyes catch sight of something in the distance. In the distance, only darkness as far as your torch allows for you to see. Surprisingly clean cobble stone paves the floor, and the brickwork around you shines with a slightly dull glimmer. Adventurer, you find yourself in a corridor.